Vivian Flowers
State House 65
Legislative Session(s) Recorded: 2015; 2017; 2019; 2021; 2023;
Bill No.
Representative Flowers's Vote
Prevents webcam abortions by requiring the administration of the drug-induced abortion to be performed in the same room and in the physical presence of the physician who prescribed the drug.
On The Passed in House; Failed in Senate Judiciary Committee
Allows concealed carry permit holders that are statff members on a univeristy, college, or community college campus to possess a handgun.
Prohibits a Level 4 sex offender from living within 2,000 feet of a church or place of worship.
De-regulates hair braiding and exempts braiders from the state's cosmetology requirements; though not mandatory it gives avenues for certification.
Requires an employee of a nonprofit charitable organization to report child maltreatment.
On The Failed, initially passed, sent to Governor for signature, and recalled by legislature per Governor's request
Affirms the traditional understanding of the free exercise of religion and prevents further erosion of religious liberty; contains definitions not found in SB975.
Reevaluates the use of Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing; requires the State Board of Education to renew PARCC testing contract annually.
Requires abortion providers to follow FDA protocols when performing drug-induced abortions.
Restores the 2013 Capital Gains 50% exemptions rate previously removed from the passage of the Income Tax Cut (Act 22 of 2015).
Requires doctors and facilities to dispose of human tissue thrrough burial, cremation, incineration, or release to a patient or authorized person.
Requires the minor's parent(s) to prove their identity as the child's parents before the minor is able to obtain an abortion.
On The Passed House and failed on Senate floor
Hinders free speech by regulating in-king donations in broad terms to all entities associated with any political elections; particularly non-partisan non-profit organizations.
Allows concealed carry permit holder's guns to remain in locked vehicles in publically owned and maintained parking lots.
The state must provide doctors the ability to give women information in person on abortion procedures, risks, and alternatives; requires 48 hours after individual counseling before a woman can receive the abortion.
Allows the Department of Corrections to use a combination of three drugs in addition to the existing method for lethal injections.
Requires the State Board of Education to adopt guidelines that would require public high schools to teach a course in American History prior to 1890.
On The Passed and became law without Governor's signature
Prevents cities and counties from extending civil rights beyond Arkansas' Civil Rights law.
Prevents webcam abortions by requiring the administration of the drug-induced abortion to be performed in the same room and in the physical presence of the physician who prescribed the drug.
Prevents tax-funded grants from going to organizations in Arkansas that perform abortions or give abortion referrals.
Decreases the income tax rate for middle class Arkansans by 1 percent beginning in 2016, and removes the 50% exemption rate on Capital Gains.
Abolishes the Lottery Commission and moves operation of the lottery to the Department of Finance and Administration.
Amends prizes available to a maximum of $500 for coin-operated games like at Chuck E. Cheese and for Dave and Busters to operate in Arkansas bu prevents these entities from having casino gambling style games.
Instructs the Secretary of State to permit and arrange for the display of a Ten Commandments monument on State Capitol grounds.
Creates the Arkansas Health Reform Legislative Task Force in order to find an alternative to the Medicaid Private Option that slated to end December 31, 2016.
Affirms the traditional understanding of the free exercise of religion and prevents further erosion of religious liberty.