
HB1017 of 2013

Title: Bible as an Elective Course
Year: 2013
Summary: Allows schools to study the Bible as an academic course.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1440 of 2013

HB1037 of 2013

Title: Pain-Capable Child Protection Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Prohibits most abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 171 of 2013

HB1100 of 2013

Title: Obamacare Abortion Opt-Out
Year: 2013
Summary: Prohibits tax-funded abortions under Obamacare.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 72 of 2013

HB1203 of 2013

Title: Human Trafficking Act of 2013
Year: 2013
Summary: Prevents human trafficking.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 133 of 2013

HB1219 of 2013

Title: Medicaid Funding Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Increases the number of Medicaid recipients by using federal and state dollars to pay for private insurance under Obamacare.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1496 of 2013

HB1243 of 2013

Title: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
Year: 2013
Summary: Permits colleges to allow licensed staff to have guns on campus.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 226 of 2013

HB1447 of 2013

Title: Child Maltreatment Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Requires abortion clinic employees to report child abuse.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 725 of 2013

HB1585 of 2013

Title: State Income Tax
Year: 2013
Summary: Reduces the state income tax by one-tenth of one percent.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1459 of 2013

HB1629 of 2013

Title: Scholarship Equality of Homeschoolers
Year: 2013
Summary: Provides home schoolers with equal access to certain scholarships.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 512 of 2013

HB1690 of 2013

Title: Moment of Silence in Schools
Year: 2013
Summary: Requires a moment of silence at the beginning of the school day.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 576 of 2013

HB1789 of 2013

Title: Tim Tebow Homeschool Law
Year: 2013
Summary: Allows home schoolers with equal access to certain scholarships.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1469 of 2013

HB1870 of 2013

Title: Big River Steel Mill
Year: 2013
Summary: Spends $125 million in tax dollars for a steel mill in Osceola.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1476 of 2013

HB1966 of 2013

Title: Capital Gains Tax
Year: 2013
Summary: Decreased the state income tax on capital gain.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1488 of 2013

HJR1009 of 2013

Title: Ethics Transperancy and Financial Reform Amendment
Year: 2013
Summary: Proposed Act to ban lobbyists gifts and loosens term limits.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: Issue 3 of 2013

SB1119 of 2013

Title: Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Prohibits the burdening of religious freedom.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB131 of 2013

Title: Identity Protection for Convealed Carry Permit Holders
Year: 2013
Summary: Prohibits release of names of concealed carry gun permit holders.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 145 of 2013

SB134 of 2013

Title: Human Heartbeat Protection Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Prohibits most abortions after the 12th week of pregnancy.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 301 of 2013

SB170 of 2013

Title: Pregnant Woman's Protection Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Affirms the right of a woman to defend her unborn child.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 156 of 2013

SB2 of 2013

Title: Voter ID Act
Year: 2013
Summary: Reuires photo ID for voting.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 595 of 2013

SB417 of 2013

Title: Modifies the Definition of Unborn Child
Year: 2013
Summary: Allows homicide charges for wrongful death of the unborn.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1037 of 2013

SB65 of 2013

Title: School Choice
Year: 2013
Summary: Replaces the Public School Choice Act, requiring all districts to participate in a school choice program.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1227 of 2013

SB71 of 2013

Title: Concealed Carry in Churches
Year: 2013
Summary: Allows churches to permit concealed handguns.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 67 of 2013

SB818 of 2013

Title: Defunding Abortion Providers
Year: 2013
Summary: Prevents tax-funded grants from going to Planned Parenthood.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SJR16 of 2013

Title: Changes the Constitution Regarding Petitions
Year: 2013
Summary: Proposed Constitutional Amendment making it more difficult for citizens to circulate petitions and place measures on the ballot.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: Issue 2 of 2013

HB1044 of 2015

Title: Cursive Writing Taught in Elementary School
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires cursive writing to be taught in every public elementary school.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 160 of 2015

HB1076 of 2015

Title: An Act to Prevent Webcam Abortions
Year: 2015
Summary: Prevents webcam abortions by requiring the administration of the drug-induced abortion to be performed in the same room and in the physical presence of the physician who prescribed the drug.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1014 of 2015

HB1077 of 2015

Title: Concealed Carry on University, College, or Community College Campus
Year: 2015
Summary: Allows concealed carry permit holders that are statff members on a univeristy, college, or community college campus to possess a handgun.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1164 of 2015

Title: Concerning Level 4 Sex Offenders
Year: 2015
Summary: Prohibits a Level 4 sex offender from living within 2,000 feet of a church or place of worship.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 376 of 2015

HB1177 of 2015

Title: Natural Hair Braiding Protection Act
Year: 2015
Summary: De-regulates hair braiding and exempts braiders from the state's cosmetology requirements; though not mandatory it gives avenues for certification.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 409 of 2015

HB1218 of 2015

Title: Reporting of Child Maltreatment
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires an employee of a nonprofit charitable organization to report child maltreatment.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1056 of 2015

HB1228 (See SB975) of 2015

Title: Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Affirms the traditional understanding of the free exercise of religion and prevents further erosion of religious liberty; contains definitions not found in SB975.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: of 2015

HB1241 of 2015

Title: Common Core Testing Evaluation
Year: 2015
Summary: Reevaluates the use of Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing; requires the State Board of Education to renew PARCC testing contract annually.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1074 of 2015

HB1381 of 2015

Title: Repeal Home School Testing
Year: 2015
Summary: Ends the state-mandated testing of home schoolers.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 832 of 2015

HB1394 of 2015

Title: Abortion Inducing Drugs Safety Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires abortion providers to follow FDA protocols when performing drug-induced abortions.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 577 of 2015

HB1402 of 2015

Title: Amend Income Tax Applicable to Capital Gains
Year: 2015
Summary: Restores the 2013 Capital Gains 50% exemptions rate previously removed from the passage of the Income Tax Cut (Act 22 of 2015).
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1173 of 2015

HB1407 of 2015

Title: Disposition of Human and Fetal Tissue
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires doctors and facilities to dispose of human tissue thrrough burial, cremation, incineration, or release to a patient or authorized person.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 535 of 2015

HB1424 of 2015

Title: Parental Involvement Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires the minor's parent(s) to prove their identity as the child's parents before the minor is able to obtain an abortion.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 934 of 2015

HB1425 of 2015

Title: Regulate Electioneering Communication
Year: 2015
Summary: Hinders free speech by regulating in-king donations in broad terms to all entities associated with any political elections; particularly non-partisan non-profit organizations.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1505 of 2015

Title: Concealed Carry on Certain Public Properties
Year: 2015
Summary: Allows concealed carry permit holder's guns to remain in locked vehicles in publically owned and maintained parking lots.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1078 of 2015

HB1578 of 2015

Title: Revamping of Woman's Right to Know Act of 2001
Year: 2015
Summary: The state must provide doctors the ability to give women information in person on abortion procedures, risks, and alternatives; requires 48 hours after individual counseling before a woman can receive the abortion.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1086 of 2015

HB1688 of 2015

Title: Municipal Referendum Petitions
Year: 2015
Summary: Gives a sponsor 60 days to circulate a municipal referendum petition.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1093 of 2015

HB1751 of 2015

Title: Administration of Lethal Injection
Year: 2015
Summary: Allows the Department of Corrections to use a combination of three drugs in addition to the existing method for lethal injections.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1096 of 2015

SB1007 of 2015

Title: Teaching of United States History in Public Schools
Year: 2015
Summary: Requires the State Board of Education to adopt guidelines that would require public high schools to teach a course in American History prior to 1890.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1284 of 2015

SB1050 of 2015

Title: Abortion Language Clean-Up
Year: 2015
Summary: Allows for the immediate suspension of an abortion facility's operating license due to health hazards.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB202 of 2015

Title: Intrastate Commerce Improvement Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Prevents cities and counties from extending civil rights beyond Arkansas' Civil Rights law.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 137 of 2015

SB53 of 2015

Title: Ac Act to Prevent Webcam Abortions
Year: 2015
Summary: Prevents webcam abortions by requiring the administration of the drug-induced abortion to be performed in the same room and in the physical presence of the physician who prescribed the drug.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 139 of 2015

SB569 of 2015

Title: Defunding Abortion Providers
Year: 2015
Summary: Prevents tax-funded grants from going to organizations in Arkansas that perform abortions or give abortion referrals.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 996 of 2015

SB6 of 2015

Title: Income Tax Cut
Year: 2015
Summary: Decreases the income tax rate for middle class Arkansans by 1 percent beginning in 2016, and removes the 50% exemption rate on Capital Gains.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 22 of 2015

SB7 of 2015

Title: To Change the Entity That Operates the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery
Year: 2015
Summary: Abolishes the Lottery Commission and moves operation of the lottery to the Department of Finance and Administration.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 218 of 2015

SB745 of 2015

Title: Prizes for Coin-Operated Games
Year: 2015
Summary: Amends prizes available to a maximum of $500 for coin-operated games like at Chuck E. Cheese and for Dave and Busters to operate in Arkansas bu prevents these entities from having casino gambling style games.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1209 of 2015

SB939 of 2015

Title: The Ten Commandments Monuments Display Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Instructs the Secretary of State to permit and arrange for the display of a Ten Commandments monument on State Capitol grounds.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1231 of 2015

SB96 of 2015

Title: Arkansas Health Reform Act of 2015
Year: 2015
Summary: Creates the Arkansas Health Reform Legislative Task Force in order to find an alternative to the Medicaid Private Option that slated to end December 31, 2016.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 46 of 2015

SB975 (See HB1228) of 2015

Title: Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Year: 2015
Summary: Affirms the traditional understanding of the free exercise of religion and prevents further erosion of religious liberty.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 975 of 2015

HB1032 of 2017

Title: Prohibits Dismemberment Abortions
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill bans dilation and evacuation abortions, a procedure in which the unborn child is dismembered and ripped apart limb from limb. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 78-10. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 25-6.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 45 of 2017

HB1208 of 2017

Title: Allows Non-Public School Students to Take Academic Courses at a Local Public School
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill allows students who attend a private school or home school to enroll in an academic course within their public school district. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 87-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 173 of 2017

HB1361 of 2017

Title: Makes Divorce Easier Under Arkansas' Covenant Marriage Law
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill effectively negates the Covenant Marriage Act of 2001 by adding emotional abuse as a grounds for divorce and separation. Family Council Action Committee opposes the weakening of marriage and opposed this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 69-5. It failed in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1392 of 2017

Title: Bans Use of Medical Marijuana in Food and Drink
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill prohibits companies from making and selling marijuana edibles. Medical marijuana caregivers and hospitals would still be able to mix marijuana with food or drink to aid ingestion. Family Council Action Committee supports banning dangerous products infused with marijuana and supported this bill. The House defeated the bill by a vote of 52-40.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1400 of 2017

Title: Restricts the Smoking of Medical Marijuana
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill prohibits marijuana smoking anywhere tobacco smoking is prohibited by law; around children under age 14; in the presence of pregnant women; around anyone not authorized to use marijuana, if that person might become intoxicated by the secondhand marijuana smoke; and in a motor vehicle; and it prohibits anyone under 21 from smoking marijuana. Family Council Action Committee supports banning the smoking of marijuana and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 88-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 31-1.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 740 of 2017

HB1428 of 2017

Title: Expands Abortion Clinic Inspections
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill strengthens inspections of abortion clinics by the Health Department. The Health Department is required to inspect abortion clinics at least annually and is required to immediately shut down an abortion clinic if it fails inspection. Family Council Action Committee supports strong regulations on abortion clinics and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 77-8. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-5.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 383 of 2017

HB1434 of 2017

Title: Prohibits Abortions Based on the Sex of the Unborn Child
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill prohibits sex-selection abortions and requires an abortionist to inform a woman seeking an abortion that sex-selection abortion is illegal. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 57-9. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 30-3.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 733 of 2017

HB1474 of 2017

Title: Allows Home Schoolers to Participate in Interscholastic Activities at Any Public School
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill amends the "Tim Tebow" law by allowing home schoolers to participate in interscholastic activities outside their resident school district as long as both school districts agree. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-2. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 592 of 2017

HB1481 of 2017

Title: Allows Home Schoolers to Participate in Interscholastic Activities at Private Schools
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill allows home schoolers to participate in interscholastic activities at any private school within 25 miles of the student?s home if the private school is a member of the Arkansas Activities Association. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 77-6. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 32-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 453 of 2017

HB1566 of 2017

Title: Prevents Human Remains from an Abortion from Being Treated as Medical Waste
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill prohibits experimentation on organs and tissue harvested from unborn babies and requires aborted babies to be respectfully cremated or buried. Family Council Action Committee supports treating unborn babies with respect and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 90-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 603 of 2017

HB1574 of 2017

Title: Reduces Home School Reporting on the Notice of Intent to Home School
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill simplifies and clarifies the Notice of Intent to Home School form. It also ensures local school districts keep home school families and their personal information confidential. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 84-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 635 of 2017

HB1740 of 2017

Title: Makes it Easier for a Home Schooler to Transfer to a Public School
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill requires public school districts to give a home schooler who enrolls or re-enrolls in a public school the same rights and privileges enjoyed by public school students and clarifies the transfer process. Public school districts are required to honor course credit and grades from home schooling. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 81-2. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 31-2.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 863 of 2017

HB1742 of 2017

Title: Limits Lawsuits for Deceptive Trade Practices
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill amends the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and makes it more difficult for citizens to sue and collect damages in deceptive trade lawsuits. Family Council Action Committee opposes taking rights away from citizens and opposed this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 53-31. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 19-12.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 986 of 2017

HB1991 of 2017

Title: Regulates Medical Marijuana by Requiring Childproof Containers and Other Restrictions
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill requires marijuana products to be sold in childproof packaging and limits the amount of THC in food and drink. This bill also prohibits marijuana vending machines; prohibits people from using marijuana at a dispensary; and regulates who can come or go at a marijuana dispensary. Family Council Action Committee supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 90-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1023 of 2017

HB2002 of 2017

Title: Prevents the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Near Child Daycares
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill effectively prohibits liquor stores from opening near a daycare. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of alcohol and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 72-2. It failed in the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB2024 of 2017

Title: Requires Abortion Providers to Report Abortions on Girls Under 17
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill requires abortion clinics that perform an abortion on a child less than 17 years of age to preserve fetal tissue extracted during the abortion in case the girl was a victim of a sexual crime. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 84-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 31-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1018 of 2017

HJR1003 of 2017

Title: Restricts Efforts to Circulate Petitions and Pass Amendments to the Arkansas Constitution
Year: 2017
Summary: This resolution proposes a state constitutional amendment to require a vote of at least 60% for the passage of all state constitutional amendments; petition drives to amend the constitution would be required to gather signatures from more counties; and the Attorney General would have the authority to reject or rewrite the wording of ballot measures. Family Council Action Committee opposes taking rights away from citizens and volunteers in the initiative process and opposed this resolution. The House passed the resolution by a vote of 79-10. The Senate defeated the resolution by a vote of 9-21. This proposed state constitutional amendment will not be on the November 2018 ballot.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB148 of 2017

Title: Requires Doctors to Attempt to Save Any Child that Survives an Abortion
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill requires doctors to give a baby born alive during an abortion life-sustaining medical treatment. Family Council Action Committee supports the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 84-1.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 392 of 2017

SB254 of 2017

Title: Allows the Marijuana Commission to Prohibit the Growing of Marijuana at Marijuana Stores
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill allows the Marijuana Commission to prohibit the cultivation of marijuana at dispensaries. This bill could prevent marijuana stores from functioning like marijuana farms. Family Council Action Committee supports restrictions on marijuana cultivation and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 32-2. It failed in the House Rules Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB284 of 2017

Title: Allows Grocery Stores in Wet Counties to Sell Wine Produced Out of State
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill expands wine sales in grocery stores and big box stores like Walmart and Kroger. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of alcohol sales and opposed this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 18-14. The House passed the bill by a vote of 53-34.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 508 of 2017

SB333 of 2017

Title: Prohibits the Manufacture or Sale of Food or Drink Containing Marijuana
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill prohibits companies from making and selling food or drink infused with marijuana---also known as marijuana edibles. Medical marijuana caregivers and hospitals would still be able to mix marijuana with food or drink to aid ingestion. Family Council Action Committee supports banning dangerous products infused with marijuana and supported this bill. The Senate defeated the bill by a vote of 15-11.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB340 of 2017

Title: Prohibiting Abortion-Related "Wrongful Birth Lawsuits"
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill bans "wrongful birth" lawsuits where parents of a baby born with a disability or genetic disorder sue their doctor claiming they would have aborted their baby if they had known their baby might have a disability. Family Council Action Committee supports the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 82-6.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 385 of 2017

SB357 of 2017

Title: Bans the Smoking of Marijuana Anywhere in Arkansas
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill bans all marijuana smoking anywhere in Arkansas. Family Council Action Committee supports banning smoking marijuana and supported this bill. The Senate defeated the bill by a vote of 11-15.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB617 of 2017

Title: Allows Lottery Ticket Purchases with Debit Cards
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill allows retailers to accept debit cards when selling lottery tickets. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of gambling and opposed this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 23-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 60-23.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 876 of 2017

SB746 of 2017

Title: Allows Education Savings Accounts to Pay for Public, Private, or Home Schooling
Year: 2017
Summary: This bill creates a four-year pilot program offering education savings accounts for K-12 students. These funds are used to cover educational expenses such as private school tuition or home school expenses. Family Council Action Committee supports school choice and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 22-5. The House defeated the bill by a vote of 43-50.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SJR7 (House) of 2017

Title: A Resolution Calling on Congress to Propose a Traditional Marriage Amendment
Year: 2017
Summary: This resolution urged Congress to propose a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Family Council Action Committee supports marriage as the union of one man and one woman and supported this resolution. The House defeated the resolution by a vote of 50-25. The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 18-9.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SJR7 (Senate) of 2017

Title: A Resolution Calling a Convention of States to Propose a Traditional Marriage Amendment
Year: 2017
Summary: This resolution called for a convention of states to propose a federal marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Family Council Action Committee supports marriage as the union of one man and one woman and supported this resolution. The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 18-9. The House defeated the resolution by a vote of 50-25
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SJR8 of 2017

Title: A Proposed State Constitutional Amendment That Limits Damages Awarded in Personal Injury Lawsuits
Year: 2017
Summary: This resolution proposes a state constitutional amendment that lets the legislature limit the amount of money a person can collect and which evidence can be used in all personal injury lawsuits; juries and courts would no longer set damage amounts and rules of evidence. Family Council Action Committee opposes laws that can favor financial interests of nursing homes and hospitals over patient care and opposed this resolution. The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 21-10. The House passed the resolution by a vote of 66-30. This proposed state constitutional amendment will be on the November 2018 ballot.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: of 2017

SJR9 of 2017

Title: A Resolution Calling on Congress to Propose an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Ending Abortion
Year: 2017
Summary: This resolution calls on Congress to refer out a federal pro-life amendment ending abortion. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this resolution. The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 26-5. The House passed the resolution by a vote of 62-11.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: of 2017

HB1290 of 2019

Title: Oral Contraceptives
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill allows pharmacists to administer or dispense oral contraceptives without a prescription from a doctor. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and opposed this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 54-29. It died in the Senate Public Health Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1342 of 2019

Title: Used Car Tax Exemption
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill increases the amount of when sales tax can be collected on a used vehicle from less than $4,000 to less than $7,500. Family Council Action Committee supports helping families and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 84-1. It failed in the Senate Revenue and Tax Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1385 of 2019

Title: Liquor Stores and Daycares
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill effectively prohibits liquor stores from opening near a public or private daycare facility licensed by the State of Arkansas. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of alcohol and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 82-3. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 26-5.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 983 of 2019

HB1399 of 2019

Title: Prohibition of Public Funding of Human Cloning and Destructive Embryo Research Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits public funds from being used to finance human cloning or destructive embryo research. Family Council Action Committee supports the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 70-8. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 26-1.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 653 of 2019

HB1413 of 2019

Title: Home Schooling and Public School Classes
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits public schools from charging home schoolers for taking a public school course if the public school students are not also charged the same amount. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 88-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 429 of 2019

HB1419 of 2019

Title: Home Schooling and Public School Classes
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires public schools to allow home schoolers to take public school courses if they meet the same requirements for public school students. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 55-27. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 430 of 2019

HB1439 of 2019

Title: Cherish Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits most abortions 18 weeks into a woman?s pregnancy. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 86-1. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-6.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 493 of 2019

HB1453 of 2019

Title: Perinatal Palliative Care Information Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires abortionists to inform women about palliative care services and offer them as an alternative to abortion if the unborn child is unlikely to survive. Family Council Action Committee supports the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 73-18. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-5.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 953 of 2019

HB1508 of 2019

Title: Home Schooling and Interscholastic Activities
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill makes it easier for home schoolers to participate in interscholastic activities at their local private schools. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 87-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-1.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 656 of 2019

HB1621 of 2019

Title: Primary Prevention Programs Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill creates ?primary prevention programs? that teach students how to avoid risky behaviors and situations, similar to Arkansas? successful abstinence education programs of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Family Council Action Committee supports abstinence education programs and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 64-9. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-2
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 841 of 2019

HB1626 of 2019

Title: Bible Course in Public Schools
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires the Arkansas Department of Education to develop a Bible course for high school credit to help districts that want to offer the course. Family Council Action Committee is a Christian organization and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 82-3. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-2.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1016 of 2019

HB1761 of 2019

Title: Egg Provider Protection Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill regulates the buying and selling of human eggs. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 89-2. It died in the Senate Public Health Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1856 of 2019

Title: Abortions in State Custody
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits state agencies from approving or using public funds towards an abortion for women in the custody of the state. Family Council Action Committee believes in protecting the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-16. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-3.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1057 of 2019

SB149 of 2019

Title: Arkansas Human Life Protection Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits abortion in Arkansas if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 72-20.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 180 of 2019

SB156 of 2019

Title: Forming Open and Robust University Minds (FORUM) Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits public institutions of higher education from restricting free speech and eliminates "speech zones" that previously censored students? free speech on campus. Family Council Action Committee supports religious liberty and free speech and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 27-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-3.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 184 of 2019

SB168 of 2019

Title: Amend Safe Haven Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill expands the law allowing people to anonymously surrender a newborn without criminal prosecution by adding fire stations to the locations where babies can be surrendered. Family Council Action Committee believes in protecting the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 35-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 86-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 185 of 2019

SB2 of 2019

Title: Down Syndrome Discrimination by Abortion Prohibition Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits abortions performed based on the diagnosis of Down Syndrome in an unborn child. Family Council Action Committee believes in protecting the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-2. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-11.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 619 of 2019

SB278 of 2019

Title: Amend Woman?s Right to Know Act and Additional Abortion Reporting Requirements
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill expands the waiting period for an abortion from 48 to 72 hours, requires abortion clinics to report babies born alive due to a botched abortion, and institutes additional safeguards for women and unborn children. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-5. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-13.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 801 of 2019

SB3 of 2019

Title: Abortion Clinic Reporting
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires abortionists and abortion clinics to report complications arising from an abortion. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-13.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 620 of 2019

SB304 of 2019

Title: Arkansas Healthy Lifestyle Education Act of 2019
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill could allow organizations like Planned Parenthood to teach sex education in grades 7-12. Family Council Action Committee opposes public school programs offered by abortion providers and opposed this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-3. It failed in the House Education Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB341 of 2019

Title: Abortion Pill Reversal
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires abortionists to give their patients, who use abortion inducing drugs, information about abortion pill reversal. Family Council Action Committee believes in protecting the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-5. The House passed the bill by a vote of 70-14.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 522 of 2019

SB440 of 2019

Title: Ban Use of Medical Marijuana in Food and Drink
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits companies from making and selling marijuana infused candy, food, or beverage products that appeal to children. Family Council Action Committee supports banning dangerous products infused with marijuana and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-1. The House passed the bill by a vote of 74-7.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 989 of 2019

SB441 of 2019

Title: Restrictions on Advertising of Medical Marijuana
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill prohibits marijuana advertising from targeting children and restricts certain marijuana advertisements. Family Council Action Committee supports restrictions on marijuana advertising and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 85-2.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 928 of 2019

SB448 of 2019

Title: Physician Qualifications to Perform Abortions
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill requires an abortionist in Arkansas to be a board certified or board eligible OBGYN and updates the definition of viability. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-5. The House passed the bill by a vote of 70-15.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 700 of 2019

SB463 of 2019

Title: Initiatives and Paid Canvassers
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill establishes new regulations on paid petition canvassers and organizations that employ paid petition canvassers in efforts to gather signatures and place measures on the ballot. Family Council Action Committee supports the initiative process and supported this bill. The Senate defeated the bill by a vote of 15-8
Outcome: Failed to Pass

SB492 of 2019

Title: Establishing Temporary or Permanent Designated Entertainment Districts
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill allows cities, municipalities, or towns to designate certain areas in wet counties only, as "entertainment districts," allowing the public consumption of alcohol. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of alcohol and opposed this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 18-12. The House passed the bill by a vote of 51-19.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 812 of 2019

SB503 of 2019

Title: Physician Assisted Suicide
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill enhances the penalty for physician assisted suicide in Arkansas. Family Council Action Committee believes in protecting life from conception to natural death and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 35-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-13.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 930 of 2019

SB539 of 2019

Title: Arkansas Tax Credit Scholarship Act
Year: 2019
Summary: This bill creates a school choice program for low income students by providing them a scholarship for educational expenses towards a nonpublic school that best fits the student. Family Council Action Committee supports school choice and supported this bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 21-10. It failed in the House Education Committee.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1061 of 2021

Title: No Patient Left Alone Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill protects patients in hospitals, nursing homes, and similar facilities from being left alone and denied visitors during a pandemic or similar emergency. Family Council Action Committee supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 91-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 311 of 2021

HB1211 of 2021

Title: Protection of Religious Organizations
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill protects churches and other religious organizations from being forced by the government to close during an emergency or similar disaster and recognizes them as essential. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of religious liberty and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-10. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 31-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 94 of 2021

HB1228 of 2021

Title: Entertainment Districts in Dry Counties
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill allows cities, municipalities, or towns to designate certain areas in dry counties, as "entertainment districts," allowing the public consumption of alcohol. Family Council Action Committee opposes the expansion of alcohol and opposed this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 54-21. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 18-14.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 874 of 2021

HB1371 of 2021

Title: Arkansas Child Academic Opportunity Scholarship and Grant Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates a school choice program for low income students, foster children, students with disabilities, and students from military families by providing them a scholarship, funded by a tax credit to the donor. They can use the scholarship for educational expenses towards a nonpublic school that best fits the student. Family Council Action Committee supports school choice and supported this bill. Outcome: The House defeated the bill by a vote of 44-52.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1402 of 2021

Title: Amend Abortion-Inducing Drugs Safety Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill updates Arkansas? restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs. It outlines requirements that abortionists must follow when administering abortion-inducing drugs, and prohibits abortion-inducing drugs from being delivered by mail. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 77-12. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 26-6.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 562 of 2021

HB1429 of 2021

Title: Home Schooling
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill makes it easier for a student to withdraw from a public school to home school by reducing the fourteen day waiting period to five school days. Family Council Action Committee supports the rights of home schoolers and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 86-1. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 34-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 623 of 2021

HB1544 of 2021

Title: Right of Municipality to be a Pro-Life City
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill affirms the right of municipalities to declare their city as a pro-life city and provides language that cities can use for their pro-life resolution. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 76-16. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-3.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 392 of 2021

HB1570 of 2021

Title: Arkansas Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill prohibits sex-change surgeries and procedures such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of our children from experimentation and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 70-22. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-7.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 626 of 2021

HB1570 of 2021

Title: Veto Override of Arkansas Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act
Year: 2021
Summary: The Governor vetoed this bill that prohibits sex-change surgeries and procedures such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of our children from experimentation and supported the override of the Governor?s veto. Outcome: The House overrode the veto by a vote of 72-25. The Senate overrode the veto by a vote of 25-8.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 626 of 2021

HB1572 of 2021

Title: Informed Consent for Chemical Abortion Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates an informed consent process for chemical abortion, ensuring women are informed of its risks, consequences, and pro-life alternatives. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 76-15. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-6.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 560 of 2021

HB1592 of 2021

Title: Arkansas Student Protection Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill prohibits public schools from entering into any type of transaction with abortion providers. Family Council Action Committee opposes public school programs offered by abortion providers and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 73-18. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 27-5.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 820 of 2021

HB1685 of 2021

Title: Amend Arkansas Healthcare Decisions Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill weakens end-of-life care by allowing healthcare workers who are not physicians to work on end-of-life decisions with patients and family members. It also makes it easier to deny nutrition and hydration to a dying person. Family Council Action Committee supports protecting life from conception to natural death and opposed this bill. Outcome: The House defeated the bill by a vote of 31-55.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1686 of 2021

Title: Amend Arkansas Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill weakens end-of-life care by allowing healthcare workers who are not physicians to complete Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms and inadvertently prevented consulting physicians from completing POLST forms with patients. Family Council Action Committee supports protecting life from conception to natural death and opposed this bill. Outcome: The House defeated the bill by a vote of 38-48.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1697 of 2021

Title: Amend No-Fault Divorce
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill makes it easier to get a divorce in Arkansas by allowing divorce due to irreconcilable differences, discord, or conflict of personalities regardless of if the husband or wife is at fault. Family Council Action Committee opposes the weakening of marriage and opposed this bill. Outcome: The House defeated the bill by a vote of 31-58.
Outcome: Failed to Pass

HB1912 of 2021

Title: Used Car Sales Tax
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill reduces the amount of sales tax on a used vehicle from 6.5% to 3.5% for used vehicles sold at $4,000 to $10,000. Family Council Action Committee supports helping families and supported this bill. Outcome: The House passed the bill by a vote of 91-0. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 1013 of 2021

SB289 of 2021

Title: Medical Ethics and Diversity Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill protects healthcare workers? rights of conscience to decline to participate in non-emergency procedures that violate their moral, religious, or ethical convictions. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of religious liberty and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 25-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 72-20.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 462 of 2021

SB354 of 2021

Title: Fairness in Women?s Sports Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill prevents biological males from competing against biological females in sports at schools. Family Council Action Committee supports protecting fairness in girls? sports and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-7. The House passed the bill by a vote of 75-18.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 461 of 2021

SB388 of 2021

Title: Amend Laws Concerning Abortion Clinics
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill requires any clinic that performs abortions to be licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health as an abortion facility, and prohibits abortions in hospitals except to save the life of the mother. Family Council Action Committee supports the sanctity of human life and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 76-15.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 949 of 2021

SB463 of 2021

Title: Amend Laws Regarding Abortion Reporting and Inspections of Abortion Facilities
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill strengthens Arkansas law concerning abortion facility inspections, and requires abortionists to file documentation that a crime has been reported to law enforcement when the woman is a victim of rape or incest. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 26-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 69-15.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 787 of 2021

SB474 of 2021

Title: Criminal Offenses for Fertility Fraud
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates felony offenses for fraud and abuse in fertility treatments. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 33-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 94-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 609 of 2021

SB527 of 2021

Title: Amend Laws Concerning Abortion Facility Requirements
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill requires written agreements between an abortion facility and a hospital and requires abortion facilities to post information regarding human trafficking. Family Council Action Committee supports the safety and protection of all women and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 28-5. The House passed the bill by a vote of 74-15.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 740 of 2021

SB6 of 2021

Title: Arkansas Unborn Child Protection Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill prohibits all abortions in Arkansas except in cases to save the life of the mother. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 27-7. The House passed the bill by a vote of 76-19.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 309 of 2021

SB622 of 2021

Title: Hate Crimes Law
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates vague protected classes in our state law and enhanced penalties for certain offenders. Family Council Action Committee has always opposed hate crimes legislation and opposed this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 22-7. The House passed the bill by a vote of 65-26.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 681 of 2021

SB662 of 2021

Title: Establish Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates an annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students on the last Wednesday of September. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of religious liberty and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 35-0. The House passed the bill by a vote of 92-0.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 902 of 2021

SB680 of 2021

Title: Philanthropic Investment in Arkansas Kids Program Act
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill creates a school choice program for about 250 low income students by providing them a scholarship, funded by a tax credit to the donor, for educational expenses towards a nonpublic school that best fits the student. Family Council Action Committee supports school choice and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 25-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 52-40.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 904 of 2021

SB85 of 2021

Title: Amend Right to View Ultrasound Images Before an Abortion
Year: 2021
Summary: This bill requires abortionists to show an ultrasound image of the unborn baby to the pregnant woman before an abortion. Family Council Action Committee believes life begins at conception and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 29-6. The House passed the bill by a vote of 74-14.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 498 of 2021

SJR14 of 2021

Title: Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment
Year: 2021
Summary: This resolution proposes a state constitutional amendment that prevents the government from burdening a person?s free exercise of religion. Family Council Action Committee supports the protection of religious liberty and supported this bill. Outcome: The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 27-4. The House passed the resolution by a vote of 75-19. This proposed state constitutional amendment will be on the November 2022 ballot.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: of 2021

HB1024 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Law Governing The Creation Of Designated Entertainment Districts.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill lets cities and towns that do not collect advertising and promotion taxes on hotels and restaurants establish entertainment districts where public drinking is legal, potentially expanding public drinking in Arkansas. Family Council Action Committee opposes this legislation, because it potentially expands alcohol consumption and public drinking in Arkansas.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 34 of 2023

HB1098 of 2023

Title: Letting A Volunteer Fire Department Operate A Safe Haven Baby Box
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill permits pro-life Safe Haven Baby Boxes where newborns can be safely surrendered at volunteer fire stations in Arkansas. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 68 of 2023

HB1156* of 2023

Title: Privacy in Public Schools
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill addresses privacy in public school locker rooms, showers, restrooms, changing areas, and similar facilities by requiring public schools to designate these facilities for male or female use. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 317 of 2023

HB1459 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Law Concerning Human Trafficking And Related Offenses
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill strengthens Arkansas’ laws and penalties concerning human trafficking. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 327 of 2023

HB1468 of 2023

Title: Concerning Preferred Pronouns at School
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill says that a teacher or faculty member who declines to use a student’s or co-worker’s preferred pronouns cannot be held civilly, criminally, or administratively liable. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 542 of 2023

HB1470 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Law Concerning Conditions For Reparations For Victims Of Human Trafficking
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill removes the condition of complete cooperation in order to receive reparations in court for victims of human trafficking and minor victims of a sex offense. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 330 of 2023

HB1559 of 2023

Title: Concerning Implicit Bias Training in Public School
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill prohibits schools from requiring employees to participate in implicit bias training or training designed to expose an individual to biases or attempt to use the training to change the employee's point of view. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 511 of 2023

HB1615* of 2023

Title: The Conscience Protection Act
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill clarifies the state Religious Freedom Restoration Act that helps safeguard the ability of religious people and religious organizations to operate according to their deeply held convictions. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 733 of 2023

SB199* of 2023

Title: The Protecting Minors From Medical Malpractice Act Of 2023.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill lets a child who undergoes a sex-change procedure sue the healthcare provider who performed the procedure if the child suffers any physical, psychological, or emotional injury as a result. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 274 of 2023

SB270 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Criminal Offense Of Sexual Indecency With A Child.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill clarifies that an adult commits sexual indecency if the adult enters and remains in an opposite-sex changing area where a child of the opposite sex is present. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 619 of 2023

SB282 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Law Concerning A Civil Cause Of Action For Victims Of Human Trafficking.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill makes it easier for victims of human trafficking to sue their traffickers and those who profited from the trafficking. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 354 of 2023

SB286* of 2023

Title: Funding for Pregnancy Help Organizations
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill authorizes $1 million in state-funded grants for crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies, and social services agencies that provide material support to women with unplanned pregnancies. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 622 of 2023

SB294* of 2023

Title: The LEARNS Act.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill titled 'The LEARNS Act' deals with critical race theory, teacher salaries, public school employment, early childhood care, and protecting elementary school children from inappropriate sexual material at school, and it provides a framework for implementing a voluntary school choice program that would make it possible for students to receive a publicly-funded education at a public or private school or at home. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 237 of 2023

SB307 of 2023

Title: To Create A Monument To The Unborn On The State Capitol Grounds.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill authorizes a monument on the Arkansas Capitol Grounds commemorating the unborn children whose lives were lost in abortion. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 310 of 2023

SB358* of 2023

Title: To Prohibit Delta-8 THC and Other THC Substances
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill prevents Delta-8 THC from being manufactured via industrial hemp, and places Delta-8, Delta-9, and Delta-10 THC on the list of controlled substances in state law. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 629 of 2023

SB361 of 2023

Title: Homeschooler Participation In Interscholastic Activities.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill makes it easier for home schoolers to participate in an interscholastic activity in a neighboring school district if their local district doesn’t offer the activity. It also clarifies requirements about enrollment in public school classes and the waiting period for student athletes who withdraw from a public school to start home schooling. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 630 of 2023

SB396* of 2023

Title: To Require Age Verification For Social Media.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill requires large social media companies to verify users’ ages, and it prohibits them from letting minors access the social media platform without parental consent. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 689 of 2023

SB446 of 2023

Title: To Let Municipalities, Counties, And Other Political Subdivisions Pass Pro-Life Resolutions
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill expands the law that lets cities, counties, and other political subdivisions of the state pass resolutions affirming that they are Pro-Life. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 699 of 2023

SB448 of 2023

Title: To Amend The Definition Of 'Serious Harm' Under The Human Trafficking Act Of 2013.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill expands the definition of 'Serious Harm' within the Human Trafficking Act of 2013. This bill broadens the scope of Serious Harm in order to simplify the process for victims of human trafficking to bring charges against individuals involved in human trafficking. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 772 of 2023

SB463 of 2023

Title: Revoking a Physician's Medical License for Violation Abortion Laws
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill clarifies that the State Medical Board will revoke the license of a physician who violates Arkansas' laws against abortion-inducing drugs. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 702 of 2023

SB475 of 2023

Title: To Authorize The Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages Through A Dispensing Machine.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill amends Arkansas' law regarding alcohol sales via vending machines. The law authorizes self-serve machines that dispense beer, wine, mixed drinks, and distilled spirits for on-premises consumption in bars and restaurants. Family Council Action Committee opposes this legislation, because it raises concerns about over-consumption of alcohol and about proper enforcement of Arkansas' other alcohol regulations.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 705 of 2023

SB517 of 2023

Title: Amending The No Patient Left Alone Act
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill facilitates in-person visits with clergy for patients in healthcare facilities under Arkansas' No Patient Left Alone Act. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 716 of 2023

SB542 of 2023

Title: To Require An Ultrasound Before an Abortion Referral.
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill amends Arkansas’ informed consent laws to clarify that a physician must perform an ultrasound before referring a woman to an abortionist. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation, because this bill helps address situations where a doctor may be referring women to abortionists outside of Arkansas.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 559 of 2023

SB66* of 2023

Title: Requiring Age Verification for Pornographic Websites
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill requires pornographic websites to use a government-issued ID or a commercially available age verification method to protect children from pornography. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 612 of 2023

SB81* of 2023

Title: To Amend The Law Concerning Obscene Materials and Libraries
Year: 2023
Summary: This bill prohibits giving or sending a child harmful sexual material that contains nudity or sexual activity in the library. Family Council Action Committee supports this legislation.
Outcome: Passed
Act Number: 372 of 2023